Learn more about the neighborhood associations in San Mateo.
San Mateo United
(Formerly San Mateo United Homeowners Association or SMUHA)
San Mateo United
San Mateo United exists as a forum to communicate issues of concern to many of the city's homeowner and neighborhood groups. On occasion they coordinate efforts between neighborhood and homeowner groups where possible or needed and allow these groups to identify areas of common concern.
Its mission is to actively support community involvement and improvement throughout the City of San Mateo. SMUHA presents 10 Ways to Help Your City, Your Neighborhood and Your Community.
San Mateo United Meetings
Days: 3rd Thursday of each month (excluding August and December)
Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Location: Zoom or in-person at the Senior Center, 2645 Alameda de las Pulgas
Check out their Facebook page: www.facebook.com/SanMateoUnited. To contact San Mateo United, please email sanmateounitedhoa@gmail.com.

San Mateo Neighborhood Association Websites
Click to view.
Bay Meadows Neighborhood Alliance
Baywood Owners Improvement Association Central
Central Neighborhood Association
Fiesta Gardens Homes Association
Gramercy-Mounds El Cerrito Neighborhood Association
Marina Gardens Homeowners Association
Home Association of North Central San Mateo
North Shoreview Neighborhood Association
San Mateo Glendale Village Neighborhood Association
San Mateo Park Neighborhood Association
Shoreview Parkside Neighborhood Association
Sunnybrae Neighborhood Association
Sugarloaf Homeowners Association
San Mateo Schools
Click to view.
Elementary K-5: ​
Beresford: https://beresford.smfcsd.net/
Laurel: https://laurel.smfcsd.net/
Meadow Heights: https://meadow-heights.smfcsd.net/
Elementary 6-8:
Abbott: https://abbott.smfcsd.net/
High School:
Hillsdale: https://www.smuhsd.org/hillsdalehigh
Serra: https://www.serrahs.com/
Beresford Hillsdale Neighborhood Association
PO Box 6764
San Mateo, CA 94403